Sunday, March 9, 2008

So I met Chelsea Clinton today

... and I touched her. In a non-creepy way, I assure you.

Now, I am not a fan of any of the Clintons, but I thought it would be amusing to listen to her spiel about Hil. And really, Hillary has a lot of good ideas, except when they are really awful.

Letting the uninsured or unhappily insured buy into the Congressional insurance plan: good.
Mandating insurance: bad, and reeking of socialism.
Making schools accountable for teaching children: good.
Using "individualized" testing as the only marker: bad, and not really useful. You have to have a baseline standard, man.

And anyway, the whole thing about the US being "so far behind" in advanced math and science... we are 27. That is not bad. If there are 100 kids and all of them earn an A, would you say the person with the lowest A performed poorly? And that is with educating every child on the same level. Most countries don't educate everyone on the same level (say, kids taking plumbing don't take calculus).

But that is a whole other issue.

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