Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Works for me Wednesday: backwards edition

Today Works for Me Wednesday is a backwards edition-- that means asking a question all you readers will undoubtedly want to answer, rather than giving y'all my fabulously insightful advice. So here's the question: I have brown hair which I have dyed red. However, instead of being copper fabulousness, I have some weird emo-red / purple streaks. I used Loreal Color Match, which until now I would have heartily recommended. Anyone have any solutions?

Head over to Rocks in My Dryer and answer more questions!


Anonymous said...

That's so funny because that was my backwards works for me Wed question too. I got some good answers-most of them said SEEK A PROFESSIONAL IMMEDIATELY

Veggiemomof2 said...

My SIL is a stylist. When she doesn't like the way her hair color turns out, she strips it out quicker w/Prell Shampoo. You can get it at Walgreens.

Sister Honey Bunch/Judi maloney said...

Boy. I don't really know. The picture in the top right corner is gorgeous. Is that you before or after the dye?

I say call your stylist and ask her for advice. They are usually happy to help clients in situations like this.

shopinchic said...

I say you should visit a salon.

Mom2fur said...

LOL...I did something like that, too. But all the kids thought it was really cool and made me look young!
Still, I agree a professional is probably your best course of action.

Monica said...

This in fact has happened to me. I called a hairdresser that I knew and she told me to wash it with dove dish soap...several times. This did take out quite a bit of the color and left my hair quite dry. So then I did an at home hot oil treatment, waited a couple of days and bought a highlighting kit for brown hair. I applied it all over and then rinsed it through. It was fairly successful- a little darker than I liked.

Now whenever I color my hair I never use anything with a red tone in it. I always use golden tones. And you know what? People still say that I have reddish hair. Go figure.